Caveat Reading Room #11: Ecotones of Collaboration & Caveat website release
13:00 - 14:00
OSP Studio
Former Actiris building, 6th floor
3 rue Paul Devauxstraat
1000 Brussels
Caveat presents a double programme hosted by OSP. The evening starts with a Reading Room where we collectively read and discuss parts of Ecotones of Collaboration, OSP's reseach into good practices in graphic design. This is followed by the festive public presentation of Caveat's website, developed and designed by OSP, a discussion and drinks.
How to survey the intersections of practices?
Ecotones of collaboration questions through long and short interviews the triangular relationship between graphic designers, artists and institutions. In particular the research tries to highlight the methods or positive experiences where the parties involved try to escape from the common mechanics of commodification.
An ecotone is a transition area between two biomes, river beds are a common example. Ecotones are areas where two communities meet and integrate. Through long and short interviews OSP is researching the modes of collaboration between graphic designers, artists and institutions. In particular, the research tries to highlight the methods or positive experiences where the parties involved try to escape from the common mechanics of commodification, read the interviews on