- collaboration agreement → Joséphine Kaeppelin
- interstices → Stijn Van Dorpe
- modes of collaboration → OSP
- Caveat at LODGERS
- *Ecotones of collaboration* → Caveat Reading Room #11: Ecotones of Collaboration & Caveat website release
- modes of collaboration → Caveat Reading Room #11: Ecotones of Collaboration & Caveat website release
- collaboration → Caveat Reading Room #14: Orphans of Tar - A Speculative Opera
- collaboration → Caveat Reading Room #15: Rising Warmth
- collaboration → Caveat Weaving Agreements
- open collaborations → Caveat Weaving Agreements
- interstices → Curating is Writing the Future. A Portrait
- Report of Assembly of Practice #2: Whose artwork?
- balance between give and take → Report of Assembly of Practice #2: Whose artwork?
- generative collaborations → Report of Assembly of Practice #3: Whose institution?
- Eva Barto's presentation at Bâtard Festival
- collaborative modes of production → Patrick Bernier & Olive Martin's presentation at Artist Placement
- community building → Patrick Bernier & Olive Martin's presentation at Artist Placement
- collaboration agreement → Report of the Open Source Publishing workshop at Bâtard Festival